09 February 2006

What Motivates You!

Hey Gang.
Well it's the second week in February--have you started your small business yet? I hope so. I'm going into my 'life coach mode today. If you don't want to read this, fine--go do something else, but some of you need a reality check. You know who you are too.

Let's do it. Tell me--Do you know where you are really financially? I hear you groaning..."I know where I am. In Debt!"

Stop right there. In debt is not specific. It's whiney, pathetic and only half true. How much debt do you have? $5...$15...$50,000? Be specific.

What happens when you get specific? You have a starting point to make changes to get where it is you want to go. You can't fix what you don't know isn't working until you get real about it in the first place!

Action Principles I don't know how long this will be available so go Get it TODAY! Written by Bill FitzPatrick, this little Pdf will work on Macs and PCs. There are 100 simple little principles, when applied will help you make the changes in your life you want to see.

Next question: Where do you want to be a year from today--2007? 2008? 2010? 2050? Unless you get specific---You are going to be right here reading this in the Blogger Archives or kicking yourself at what you missed in 2006 on the Internet Archive!

What are you going to do differently? You are here because starting your business is important to you. You also will be going it alone, and that's fine too. But it's up to you...I can give you resources that have helped me and others to get going. I can point you to what seems to work for other people, even if I don't use them.

People are different. I hate sites that force videos on me and I refuse to re-visit a site that has them. But give me an MP3 and I'm all over it! You may be different---that's what makes the world turn.

Your first step is to get real about money. Where you are with it and how much you feel comfortable having. I don't care how many ebooks you read, courses you buy or seminars you go to--if you don't get real about what money means in your life right where you are today, none of it is going to work!

Freebie coaching is over. Here's a few places to get you started learning about taking control of your finances. Remember: Nothing works until you do!

Bloomberg Financials Clear, non technical stock investing advice. Yes you can start investing with less than $100 a month. Education is where you start.

REIT Everybody wants to be the next real estate tycoon! Not why I recommend this organization? I learned how to invest in real estate by NOT Debting from these folks. Check it out and you'll see what I mean.

Now for some business goodies
Anthony Blake Forum Open to anyone who wants advice about running and succeeding in your business. No blatant advertising is allowed.

MicroEnterprise Journal At $5.95 a month, it is a small price to pay for such a great journal for the 'one woman-man' show. Find out what's going on in Congress that will affect you and your business. Forewarned is forearmed!

Nichebot Excellent Keyword tool! One I ALWAYS USE to help find out what people really type at those search engines---Use it for FREE and put your business on over-drive!

That's it for today. I'll leave you with this:
"It's not enough that we do our best;
sometimes we have to do what's required."
- Winston Churchill