15 February 2010

Solo Traffic Observation: Blogs, Articles, Social Or Other?

As I begin to rearrange some of my scattered projects, I've made some
observations that many of you may be wondering about and some of you
already know:

Depending on the topic, blogs may work in some instances better than
other ways of getting targeted traffic.

This post came about due to an observation from my own traffic
testing numbers. As I only check them once a month, it was
interesting. In the past 30 days, here's what I see:
  • Blog A
    = 3 months old: 1,043 visitors - health topic

  • Static Site
    = 5 months old: 98 visitors - information product

  • Blog B
    = 6 weeks old: 104 visitors - food topic

  • Static Site
    = 4 months old: 30 visitors - business topic
Every bit of the traffic for these came from only two
things I do weekly: Ping and comment on blogs I find
interesting. I have a lot of interests, so I may not be
commenting on a blog that relates to my sites.

Do I always include one of my site links? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Then how does this help in search engine rankings or getting traffic?
Beats me. I don't gauge my sites profitability by traffic or page rank.

Here are a few steps I'm considering for my static sites:
  • Static site A: Simple Information Reports
    Create a retail store type theme on the front end and subdomain the information products on static stand alone sales pages.

  • Static site B: Wholesale Information
    Have someone convert the entire site to a blog using pages only, no posts or comments. This is an affiliate site built for a wholesale dropship merchant.

Many of you know how I like the idea of article marketing, and it
is a viable option for getting passive traffic for your business.
Over the next couple months, I'm testing article marketing
with a focus on conversions
and not traffic.

Conversions for me = $$$$. The idea of writing tons of articles
to increase page rank or simply to get traffic but not have any
sales to show for it is plain dumb to me

Here are a few steps I'm testing for my blog sites:
  • Blog Site A: Natural Weight Loss
    Submit one article a day for 1 week on a targeted food related article directory or health related site.
  • Blog Site B:Espresso Coffee Drinker
    Submit one article a day for 1 week on a targeted coffee or ask a targeted question on one of the "Q/A" sites - think YahooAnswers or Ask.com. (I'm new to espresso, so this helps me with content for the blog too.

Why would I test something everyone and their dog just know
is the best way to get massive traffic to your sites and make sales?

Because until I test and have my own numbers as proof, it's