20 July 2010

Proof Working For The Government Makes You Stupid

For those of you who are in fear of losing your job or home and
becoming a part of the 14 million unemployed who are no longer
receiving unemployment because it ran out - this guy thinks you
are stupid
for questioning the economic mess we're in.

Normally I stay away from politics, but I've about
had it with those who are blaming the victims for this shit
sandwich we are all being forced to eat through no fault of our

Evidently, it was fine to have jobs sent out of the country
beginning in late 1985 because it was cheap labor and then
pillaging the treasury for corrupt car company executives when
they needed to keep their pensions with bailout money.

But for those who had the common sense to live within their means and
were laid off anyway when they either hit 50 or weren't in a government
protected industry (pharmaceutical, banking, auto, aviation), screw you!

Go live on the street for all your elected officials care, afterall if
your unemployment benefits run out - screw you, I got mine!

If your job disappeared because the banks called loans on the
small businesses trying to keep people employed during the
economic downturn - screw you, I got mine!

For the rest of you now suffering from continued stupidity by
your elected officials - screw you, We got ours!

Simon makes an excellent point on his blog about this Phd Federal Reserve of Richmond Idiot. If this is the advanced degree required idiots the government has working for us,
it explains a lot.

One final rant on this topic and I'm going back to trying to eak-out a
living with my weight loss blog.

For those self-proclaimed experts who point fingers
saying it's your own damned fault because you did what you believed
was right (showed up and did your job to the best of your ability)
but are now facing living on the street: Kiss our collective asses!

You have not stopped sending your crap to our inboxes trying to sell your crap (crap is about as politically correct as I'm going to get because it's not the word I want to use) in the hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

What that tells me is this - You are part of the problem too.
In fact, the next expert/guru/ass-wipe/shit weasel that sends you anything about their hot new 'Beat the recession by making money offline/online/on Mars' crap - unsubscribe. Seriously.

You will feel better and can focus on what's important - living indoors and finding money from somewhere to stay alive. That's your priority now. The truth is this: It's all about hanging on for one more day.

It's no joke that those of us in the United States are teetering
on the brink, and I still believe it's not the economy. No word
has created this problem, it's the bucket-heads that we
trusted and elected that have put us in this position

This administration with it's entitlement mentality is
almost as bad as what Communism was claimed to have been in the