02 August 2010

Entrepreneur Update Status

Have quite a few things to share with you upon my return. As solo entrepreneurs, you are likely thinking about the rest of the year and how to increase your revenues.

Those of you in retail, or wanting to explore this avenue should have your plans together for the upcoming holiday season. I've been seeing more junk emails promoting Halloween - don't fall for it. I'm not trying to imply it's not a profitable time of the year for some, it can be. But it's also seasonal.

Remember - evergreen, evergreen, evergreen. Christmas and Thanksgiving in some form are the primary holiday seasons in many countries around the globe. Follow the money. Halloween may bring in a few hundred bucks, but Thanksgiving and Christmas can bring in a few thousand with - business or religious gift giving, meal planning, travel, clothing, and trends being talked about in the online shopping forums. Major retailers are definitely paying attention, so should you.

I'd rather focus my attention on multiple sales opportunities than simply hoping to get a few scraps from a "Johnny One Note" that's celebrated in at most 2 countries. Think about it this way - Cinco de Mayo was celebrated this year all over Central, South and North America. Can you say the same thing for Halloween?

That's it for today and I leave you with this -
Early to bed and early to rise - till you get enough money to do otherwise ~Peter's Almanac