13 October 2011

Return of a Mensch

Hey Folks...
It's been some time since my last post. If you've wondered where I went...
all over the map, dropped the ball on my business and starting over.

One thing about good advice - you rarely listen to your own. Thanks to a
few ghost-mentors online, I'm back on track. Enough about that.
Let's move on, shall we.

First up
I'm on Twitter. Yeah, yeah I know in my post last year my opinion was to wait 5 years.
I still think some of you should. Here's why:

1. Tweeting Irrelevant Posts
Come on now. Do you really think that telling everyone on earth that
you have warts makes you more human? It makes you a schmuck.

No one cares except maybe your S.O., physician and family. Share that on
Facebook where it belongs. Not where your colleagues and people you want to
do business with are viewing it.

2. Following Any and Everybody
Do you really want to try and keep up with 1,000+ people. Who are they anyway?
Are they people who you can honestly say are prospective clients or
customers you want to do work with?

My take on Twitter is to follow those people who have something to say that
A. Make me a better person
B. Help me be a better entrepreneur
C. Help me accomplish my goals (experience and common sense

Other than that, I don't want you to follow me expecting me to follow you.
I've seen too many internet marketers (their term,not mine) whose
sole Tweets are shortened links to bland, do nothing, who cares land.

Well, that's it for today and I leave you with this:
Have the courage to be ignorant of a great number
of things, in order to avoid the calamity of being ignorant of
~Sydney Smith